Meeting with Teachers Online, Live on YouTube and Zoom
January 21st, 2024
Conversation between OM C. Parkin, Rob Schmidt and Stuart Goodnick about
The Birth of the Lion – Non-Duality as a Way of Life

In our YouTube live programme Meeting with Teachers we will regularly invite teachers and students of different spiritual traditions to talk to us about the path they represent and live. You will receive lively insights into the different paths of the masters, either from them directly or from the perspective of their students, and with that, different approaches to the ONE teaching. In this way you have the opportunity to deepen your own experience and expand your understanding of Dharma.

The vision of the non-profit OM Foundation Inner Science is to preserve the eternal wisdom teachings, the knowledge of the human being`s true nature and the laws of the evolution of human consciousness, and to make them accessible to spiritual seekers. Donations play a crucial role in helping us to realise this vision, and we look forward to your active, financial and spiritual support. Please use the link below to make a secure donation via PayPal or credit card.