„ The meaning of human life is the knowledge of man’s true nature.“

Excerpt from the preamble of the
OM Foundation Inner Science

Realisation of the True Nature

The vision of the non-profit OM Foundation Inner Science is to preserve the eternal wisdom teachings, the knowledge of the human being’s true nature and the laws of the evolution of human consciousness, and to make them accessible to spiritual seekers.

At a time when the connection to the Christian religion is increasingly dissolving in our society and a plethora of rational world views are taking its place, the need for a religion in the true sense, a reconnection to the soul, is becoming all the clearer. Every seriously pursued spiritual path leads at its core to the realisation of universal, eternal truth, untouched by the zeitgeist and the periphery of religious tradition.


The OM Foundation Inner Science, initiated by the Wisdom Teacher OM C. Parkin, is founded in this core and opens the door for spiritual seekers into self-knowledge, into the realisation of the true human nature.

The study of the Perennial Philosophy – the universal essence of all wisdom teachings – as a holistic experiential path of inner practice is at the centre of the teaching. The OM Foundation Inner Science sees it as its task to open up an integral path of self-unfolding for the seeker, on which body, soul and mind, the three levels of being, find a natural and wholesome order.

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With the establishment of the OM Foundation Inner Science, a journey that has lasted over 20 years came to an end in August 2022 and now opens up a “new era”.

The task of those who work for the Foundation is now to build structures that give inner teaching a ground for dissemination and development. This ground is to be supportive and also have a social anchoring, so that it can sustain this unfolding process in the years and decades to come.

To this end the website of the Foundation is currently under construction.

The Work of the Foundation

The non-profit foundation is committed to spiritual education as a path of inner experience, both in events at the modern Gut Saunstorf Monastery and the adjacent healing centre, as well as internationally. It also promotes sacred art and culture as well as the protection and preservation of historical monuments.

Promoting spiritual education

Encounter with masters and teachers

Supporting people on their path to awakening

Publishing wisdom literature

Initiating “Art from Silence” projects

Preserving the listed monastery and its park

„ There is truly nothing that you could do to recognise who you are. Knowing that, do everything.“

OM C. Parkin

Kuppel mit Enneagramm

In the Focus

The Guru
Activities & Media on the Topic

The figure of the guru is a sensitive and controversial topic, particularly in the Western world. In Indian-Hindu culture, the term guru is used in a hierarchical manner to refer to teachers and authorities. The highest, impersonal guru principle is embodied by the Satguru, who transcends personal identity.

This theme characterises some of the Foundation’s activities in 2025, in events and publications. You can get an overview here.

Meeting with Teachers | The Guru – the Great Unknown

with OM C. Parkin and ShantiMayi

April 25-27, 2025
Gut Saunstorf Monastery

Talks and discussions, as well as practical instructions and other encounters, invite you to immerse yourself in an essential and much-discussed topic of the inner path.



The events of the OM Foundation Inner Science open a space for one’s own inner encounter with the wisdom teaching. The living transmission of the eternal teaching, which does not change through the ages and thus never loses its relevance, is a precious gift in our time. The individual events – such as darshan and retreats, conferences and events of Self-exploration as well as digital formats – offer different approaches to contemplation, silence and the transmission of true knowledge.

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Media Library

The media library provides insights into the wisdom teachings and the manifold activities and events of the OM Foundation Inner Science in articles and videos. You will find darshan excerpts, interviews and conversations with OM C. Parkin and other teachers close to us. Also included are impressions from conferences held at the modern monastery and talks from the online series Meditation & Inner Science. Have fun and be inspired as you explore and go deeper!