At the beginning of September 2024, the international conference took place at Gut Saunstorf Monastery:

“Knowledge and Devotion – The Ascending and Descending Spiritual Paths”
with OM C. Parkin, Mary Angelon Young and Dr. Jacques Vigne

The following participant feedback and photos offer a small insight and

It was wonderful to rest in this peaceful existence, listening to the wealth of knowledge being shared, and feeling into the qualities of both forces during the practical exercises. These practices are also valuable for my life beyond the monastery, and I am deeply grateful for them. Many thanks as well for the translations.                                  

Marion D.

I felt drawn to this conference as the subject matter has interested me for quite some time. I found Mary Angelon Young more accessible. She radiated openness, presence, and lived creativity, which she conveyed in every moment, whether by sharing deep insights through stories or by singing mantras, beautifully accompanied by an instrument. She embodies the path of devotion. Her deep connection to her master, Lee Lozowick, was palpable, as was her reverence for his master, Yogi Ramsuratkumar, whose biography she wrote at Lee’s request.

Dr Jacques Vigne represents the path of knowledge. It wasn’t always easy for me to follow him, as he shared a wealth of valuable information in a short amount of time. But he also gave us deep insights through his stories. His practical exercises, especially those focused on uniting the feminine and masculine energies, Ida and Pingala, were particularly impactful. He explained, with the help of neuroscientific insights, how these techniques could unify the two hemispheres and influence consciousness.

OM, through his silent Darshan at the end of the event, which I found deeply intense, brought together the teachings of the weekend and the two paths. I feel moved and grateful for this weekend.

Christine R.

When I am in devotion, I am able to receive knowledge with an intensity and depth I had not perceived before.

Nadine P.

Experiencing the seemingly very different speakers touched and moved something deep within me. Mary Angelon Young spoke about the Baul tradition and shared songs from this tradition with us. This opened up a “feminine” space, and devotion arose naturally.

Experiencing Jacques Vigne initially triggered resistance and an urge to withdraw in me. His teachings, as they were conveyed, felt very unfamiliar at first. However, by staying and listening, the resistance dissolved. The words spoken fell through the mind, and a very clear force entered the inner space.

Sitting in silence with OM brought about a very natural deepening.
Thank you for these experiences!

Silvia M.

Several weeks have already passed since the conference, and its impact is becoming increasingly clear. The power of devotion, as lived and shared by Mary Angelon Young, felt like an immediate arrival in the heart. It was an invitation to sink into a creative space of great vastness and depth. Power, wisdom, healing energy, passion, joy, tenderness, and humility. Mary Angelon’s loving presence nourishes one’s being on every level. When I connect with it now, the healing power of natural simplicity unfolds in just being here, and this simplicity is something I so deeply need.

Jacques Vigne shared his knowledge and experiences by repeatedly guiding us to practically experience prana meditation techniques in the moment. I was impressed by the great clarity and stillness of his being. I found his teachings to be very complex, and I’m glad I can listen to the whole thing as an mp3 and follow the essential aspects at my own pace.

The silent Darshan with OM was the perfect conclusion. We were invited to sit quietly next to OM for a moment and remain in his presence. The silent being with the master echoes within me, without words, as every level of my being was permeated by his presence.

Gerda W.