Meeting with Teachers | The Fourth Way and Inner Science | Conversation with OM C. Parkin and Robin Bloor

Navigating the Wisdom Path

Sun, Aug 25th | Live on YouTube or Zoom

In our third broadcast of Meeting with Teachers – Navigating the Wisdom Path, OM C. Parkin, among others the founder of the Enneallionce – School of the Fourth Way, and Robin Bloor, a Gurdjieff expert and contemporary witness, author, and leader of the Gurdjieff Society in Austin, Texas, will discuss core themes of the Fourth Way.

In June, Robin Bloor captured the hearts of the participants at the foundation’s on-site event “In Search of the Miraculous” at Gut Saunstorf Monastery with his deep knowledge, profound humanity, and British humour. A new German edition of P.D. Ouspensky’s book with the same title was released by our publisher advaitaMedia in April this year.

We are very excited to see the continuation of this dialogue on August 25th, when the differences between how the Fourth Way is taught by OM and how it was taught by Gurdjieff will be discussed. OM is currently writing a book about Inner Science and they will discuss the teaching of the Fourth Way which involves a good deal of Inner Science. They will discuss also practical inner techniques that people can use towards perfecting themselves.


In our YouTube live programme Meeting with Teachers – Navigating the Wisdom Path we will regularly invite teachers and students of different spiritual traditions to talk about the path they represent and live. You will receive lively insights into the different paths of the masters, either from them directly or from the perspective of their students, and with that, different approaches to the ONE teaching. In this way you have the opportunity to deepen your own experience and expand your understanding of Dharma.

In the context of the Foundation’s work to facilitate encounters and networking with teachers of different spiritual paths, we want to create an uncomplicated and internationally accessible opportunity for participation and exchange with this format. You can follow the talks live on our YouTube channel or participate interactively via Zoom to ask questions and get involved yourself.

Participation is free, but donations are welcome.

The times are chosen such that people from different time zones can take part: 7 pm CET | 10 am PDT | 9 pm Moscow.

For interactive participation via Zoom go to ‘registration’. The Zoom link will be sent by email.


Dialogue Partner

OM C. Parkin and Robin Bloor
You don’t live in the past, nor in the present, nor the future – you are timeless and spaceless. You are consciousness itself

OM C. Parkin

OM C. Parkin Portrait

OM C. Parkin

The spiritual master OM C. Parkin speaks the language of our hearts. As a wisdom teacher and philosopher, he teaches access to the Great Stillness in the tradition of Ramana Maharshi across all confessions. He embodies the union between the Eastern Non-Duality teaching (advaita) and Christian mysticism. He serves the awakening path of the human being and accompanies students on their way back to the core of their true being.

Robin Bloor

was born in 1951 in Liverpool, UK.  In 1988, Bloor met and became a pupil of Rina Hands. Rina was a one-time associate of J. G. Bennett, a student of Peter Ouspensky, and later, a pupil of George Gurdjieff, and Jeanne de Salzmann. Bloor leads a regular group, The Austin Gurdjieff Society, in Austin, Texas. He produces a monthly newsletter, The Lost Herald and runs the website, He also organises multiple on-line study groups to study Gurdjieff’s writings and Gurdjieff’s Objective Science (as articulated by Ouspensky in In Search of the Miraculous, and by Gurdjieff himself in The Tales).


Practical Information


Start 7 pm CET, 10 am PDT, 9 pm Moscow


Event contribution

This event is free of charge. Donations are welcome to support the work of the charitable foundation.

Bank account:
OM-Stiftung Innere Wissenschaft
Sparkasse HASPA
IBAN DE 39 2005 0550 1501 8442 19
Reason for payment: Donation on the occasion of Meeting with Teachers

Via PayPal:


Live on YouTube or Zoom

Meeting with Teachers will be broadcasted free of charge on the YouTube channel of the OM Foundation Inner Science.

If you want to participate initeractively sign up for Zoom.

Bild- Globale Elemente Online Abend der Stiftung

Additional Information

In the Media Library you can find an interview with Robin Bloor “Following Gurdjieff’s Footsteps”

To the interview

Additional Information

An interview in the ‘Meeting with Teachers – Navigating the Wisdom’ series by Dr Robert Schmidt and Stuart Goodnick with OM C. Parkin from last January can be found in the media library.

To the media library


Sun, 25. August 2024


– event in English language,
– free participation, donations are welcome,
Start 7 pm CET, 10 am PDT, 9 pm Moscow


Live on YouTube or Zoom


OM Foundation Inner Science
+49-(0)38424-22 98 90