

to the OM Foundation Inner Science and Gut Saunstorf Monastery

The vision of the non-profit OM Foundation Inner Science is to preserve the eternal wisdom teachings and the knowledge of the human being’s true nature, and to make them accessible to spiritual seekers.

In meetings with its initiator OM C. Parkin and other spiritual teachers, it opens up the methods of Inner Science to the seeker as an accompaniment on an integral path of Self-development.

The Foundation’s fields of activities include various initiatives that enable people to encounter the wisdom teaching, to develop a still mind, and to pursue holistic healing processes.

In this spirit, the foundation also upholds and preserves the Gut Saunstorf Monastery – Place of Stillness, a listed site devoted to nurturing the awakening of still consciousness.

What Does Your Donation Contribute to?

Your donation makes it possible to realise the vision of the OM Foundation Inner Science. Here are some of our activities:

Promoting spiritual education

Encounter with masters and teachers

Supporting people on their path to awakening

Publishing wisdom literature

Initiating “Art from Silence” projects

Preserving the listed monastery and its park


For inquiries and questions, please contact:

Muni Konradi
Contact person for donations and last wills
+49(0)40-300 626 14

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Support the foundation directly with a donation!

Donation Account

OM-Stiftung Innere Wissenschaft
Sparkasse HASPA
DE39 2005 0550 1501 8442 19